What IS Yoga?

Lake Como, Italy

There are a lot of different thoughts on yoga, especially for those who have never tried it. They think it’s just easy stretching, meditation, chanting OM, slow, and boring. It does incorporate all those things (except the boring in my opinion) but it’s truly so much more. It’s about the active engagement of the body and mind. Using various poses in order to build strength, stamina, openness, which leads to increased flexibility physically and eventually mentally/emotionally.

I won’t lie to you yoga is not easy, it’s hard. If it is easy for you, then you might not be fully engaging in your practice. Some areas will come more easily to you and those areas will be different for everyone. Once you find the ease in your practice, find your edge and allow yourself to go deeper. This might mean more engagement in the muscles, less pushing, more props, or less ego to just be with your practice one breath at a time.

There is a general “idea” of alignment for all poses. Each body is different so your areas of engagement will be the same as others in the class, but your sensations could be totally different based on your body structure and the journey you have been on in your body up to this point. Consistent and mindful practice will allow for changes to occur over time.

Yoga is not is a quick fix, it’s a lifelong journey. Allow the work and effort you put into your practice each day to take hold on your mat. Over time that beautiful magic, I believe yoga creates, will help you continue your journey off your mat. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey and for being a part of mine.
